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Kamis, 05 September 2013

Contoh percakapan dan diskusi bahasa Inggris


In this occasion we will discuss about global warming its happened in this time.
Nela       : Risti what  your opinion about global warming ?
Risti       : I think that global warming is condition where temperature of the earth, sea and
  atmosfere  to be increase, so many occur calamity in the world.
Dida      : Yes, I`m agree with your opinion. But I have few addition that global warming is
  condition have negative impact for health.
Nela       : Negative impact for health ? can you give me some example ?
Dida      : Ok….Before I answer that question, how if we discuss the causes of global warming ?
Nela       : Its Ok. What case that can be caused of Global Warming?
Dida      : Its many kind, for the example green house effect, the pollution of industry, pollution of 
  transportasion , fire of the forest, mountain of rubbish and etc.
Risti       : And then how with used of AC ( Air Condition) ? Whether AC included as caused of
  global warming ?
Nela       : Oh yes, I also ever heard that 6% from a heating of global warming it caused by used
  AC ? right it ? why  ?
Dida      : Yes sure, because Air Condition contened of Cloro Fluoro Carbon ( CFC ) it is substance
 can less a coat of ozon.
Nela       : so that, the used of refrigerator also can be demage the ozone layer, caused in
refrigerator also contained of CFC same with AC. Is it right?
Risti       : Of course. I think all of product that contained of CFC will be demage the ozone layer.
Dida      : Without realize. Many thing in our home can be raise of global warming.
Risti       : yes, it’s right. I ever read in a article said if  in a room getting cold with used of AC, it
 means  that at beyond will be getting hot.
Nela       : waw. It will danger for our earth.
Ris+Did: yes , sure.
Nela:     : And then how with the mountain of rubbish ?
Risti       : Like as know that rubbish will emerged bad smell, where it gas contains metana can
  attenuate the ozon layer
Dida      : what do you think about growth of  transportation in Indonesia?
 Nela      : I think this is a bad early. Are you know, the gas of transportation produce CO2 it will
 damage of ozone layer.
Risti       : Now, car and motorcycle ‘s price is more cheap price. And many people had it.
Dida      : it was really sad if that problem always occure.
 Nela      : After we know the caused of global warming how impact from global warming ?
Dida      : To continue the question, the first I will discuss about impact for health. In fact that the
  illness appear base from that happen
Nela       : Can you give example ?
Dida      : For example like as if  happened tsunami for the result maybe death, asthma, core
   allergy and many kind.
Risti       : Do you know, that due to depletion if the ozone hole will go straight into the sun to
   earth without any intermediary
Dida      : What the impact ?
Risti       : We wil gets skin cancer.
Nela       : waw..that very horrible. Now, I bring videos of global warming.
Risti       : Can you show it ?
Nela       : O sure. I also will explain this videos
This video show the natural disaster caused of global warming
 Dida     : I remember that global warming also cases of sink island, the weather also be not
  certainly and a consequence, occur dry season and rain season for a long time
Risti       : Like as we feel now that the weather day more and more hot.
Nela       : I agree with you,
Risti       : I think the main cause of global warming is illegal logging.
Dida      : yes, I’m agree. All happen from deforestation. Whereas we know that trees is lungs of the earth.
Nela       : the natural disaster like of flood and land slide it happen cause there no tree to absorb rain.
Risti       : Like this..C moreover if water supply exhausted we will be deat.
Dida      : yeah deat ridiculous cause act our own.
 Nela      : friends, what the solution for this event ?
Dida      : The solution maybe like as decrease of  transportation , decrease used of AC and
  refrigerator, cycle of anorgarich rubbish, to menage  of waste industry and do reboisasi
  in the forest.
Risti       : And for  more important love our earth and GO GREEN !!
Nela       : And what your opinion with government efforts to reduce effects of negative impact
  global warming ?
Dida      : I think the government less attention to the current situation in fact they event “sorry if
  I said there was no effort to” cause for serious concern
Risti       : Indeeed essential ourselves aware of what is happening


The Conclution
The conclution this discuss is about global warming. So, global warming is condition where temperature of the earth, sea and atmosfere  to be increase, so many occur calamity in the world. The causes of global warming is for the example green house effect, the pollution of industry, pollution of  transportasion , fire of the forest, mountain of rubbish and etc. And many impact from this problem namely natural disaster, interfere of our health, sink island, the weather also be not certainly and a consequence, occur dry season and rain season for a long time. For the solution of global warming maybe with decrease of  transportation , decrease used of AC and refrigerator, cycle of anorgarich rubbish, to menage  of waste industry and do reboisasi in the forest.

A.     Choose the best correct answer between A, B, C, D or E in below . . . . .

1. what is the theme of the disscuss above?
                a. Tranportation                                                              d. Global warming
                b. Reboisasi                                                                        e. Natural disaster
                c. Health                                                             
2. What the reason why the used of Air Conditioner be one cause of Global Warming?
                a. Air Conditioner contened of Cloro Fluoro Carbon ( CFC )
                b. Air Conditioner contened of gas metana
                c. Air conditioner contened of  gas H2O and CO2
                d. Air Conditioner contained of Sulfur dioksida (SO2)
                e. Air conditioner contained of Hidrocarbon (HC)
3. Which answer below do not include the cause of global warming?
                a. Mountain of rubbish                                                 d. Waste of industry
                b. Used of refrigerator                                                  e. Cooking used firewood
                c. Used of Air Conditioner                                                          
4. What the impact of global warming?
                a. The air gets cool                                                          d. Become fertile ground
                b. More prosperous human population                e. Mitiget natural disasters
                c. Occur dry season and rain season for a long time.
5. What the solution to reduce the impact of Global warming?
                a. used of Air conditioner                                            d. let the water pollution by sewage
                b. reduce of anorganic rubbish                                 e. illegal loging
                c. used of refrigerator

B.     Essay

1. What the meaning of Global Warming?
2. Mention the impact of Global Warming!
3. Mention the causes of Global Warming?
4. What the solution for overcome of Global Warming?
5. What the massage from discuss above?

The Answer :
A. 1.D

1.    the meaning of global warming is condition where temperature of the earth, sea
      and  atmosfere  to be increase.
2.    the impact of Global Warming  can less a coat of ozon, so many occur calamity in the world and sink the island, the weather also be not certainly and a consequence, occur dry season and rain season for a long time
3.    the causes of Global Warming for the example green house effect, the pollution of industry, pollution of   transportasion , fire of the forest, mountain of rubbish and etc.
4.    For the solution of global warming maybe with decrease of  transportation , decrease used of AC and refrigerator, cycle of anorgarich rubbish, to menage  of waste industry and do reboisasi in the forest.
5.    the massage from discuss above love our earth and GO GREEN !!

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris

Dida    : Assalamuaikum……..! How are you ?
Risti    :Waalaikumsallam, I`am fine. And you ?
Dida    :I`am fine too…! What are you doing ?
Risti    : I am reading a novel !
Dida    :What is the title  ?
Risti    : Semesta Mendukung (Mestakung). Will you go to ?
Dida    : I will go to library! By the way ? where did you spend your holiday ?
Risti    :I  stayed in grand mother`s house in village !
Dida    :Where  is village ?
Risti    :In Cikaracak, Bandung
Dida    :How did feel when stay in grandma` house ?
Risti    :I was very happy…because I could meet with my big family.And you Dida..Where did you spend your holiday ?
Dida    :I  camped in curug 7. Did you go to curug 7 ?
Risti    :Not yet, I  want to go.But, I don’t know that place !
Dida    :Ouh……in there the weather is very cold..!
Risti    :Wow…Why did you decide holiday in Curug 7 ?
Dida    :Because, I wanted to accompany my sister for research about pine tree and I wanted  to socialize with nature!
Risti    :Ouh…Just only two person ?
Dida    :No ! We did camped  with my sister`s friends
Risti    :How long did you camp in curug 7 ?
Dida    :Three days and two night
Risti    :Dida, can you go with me to curug 7 ?
Dida    :Yes , I can !
Risti    : Are you really ?
Dida    : Yes,I`m really, but don`t camp !
Risti    : I am agree with you ! when will we go to Curug 7 ?
Dida    : How about next week ?
Risti    :That is a good idea. What shall I bring ?
Dida    :You must bring snacks and drinks
Risti    : Why must I bring it ?Are there nothing ?
Dida    :There are..But it was expensive.Risti, ,I`am sorry I will go to library !
Risti    :Ouh, yes ! Nice to meet you!
Dida    : Nice to meet you too, Assalamualaikum !
Risti    :Waalaikum sallam !

A.    Choose the best answer a b c d or e !
1.     Where did Risti spend holiday`s ? She ….in grandma`s house
a.      stay                                               d. was staying
b.     has staying                                                e. stayed
c.      is staying
2.     Where did Dida spend holiday`s ? She… Curug 7
a.      Was camping                               d. is camps
b.     Is camping                                                e.had camp
c.      Camped
3.     Did Risti go to Curug 7 ?
a.      Yes, she did                                 d. Yes, she does
b.     No, she doesn`t                          e. No, she never
c.      No, she didn`t
4.     Can Dida go to Curug 7 with Risti ?
a.      Yes, she can                                 d. No, she didn`t
b.     Yes, she did                                 e. No, she doesn`t
c.      Yes, she does
5.     What shall Risti bring to go to Curug 7 ? She shall bring………..
a.      A snack and drinks
b.     Snacks and a drink
c.      A lot of snack and a drink
d.     Snack and drink
e.     Snacks and drinks
B.    Essay
1.     What is the topic of conversation ?
2.     Where did Risti spend holiday`s
3.     Why Dida goto Curug 7 ?
4.     When will they go to curug 7 ?
5.     What`s the preparation for go to Curug 7
Keys :
A.    1. E
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. E

B.    1. The topic of conversation it is holiday`s between Dida and Risti
2. Risti stayed in grandma`s housee
3. Because Dida wanted to accompany sister`s to research about pine tree and 
    she wanted to socialize with nature
4. Dida and Risti will go to curug 7 next week
5.  Risti must bring snacks and drinks

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